Why BIPOC Only Classes Matter

🖤 There have been people who have questioned why the need for a BIPOC (Black and Indigenous People of Color) class, and they have asked if this is in an exclusionary class (no one Black or of color has asked me this at all). So, here is a little unlearning. 

🖤 My answer is only an example of my own practice. Yoga has been a practice for me since 1990, actually since before then when I watched my Mom, Aunts, and Cousins practice at home. As I reflect on all the classes I have taken since the 90’s, I can reflect and count on one hand how many teachers of color I have had. Most classes I teach, and have taught since 2003, have been about >95% White. Most of my personal classes and trainings had, on average, about one Black person in attendance...me. 

🧘🏾‍♀️ There have been so many classes where no one ever spoke to me, assisted me or acknowledged my presence, ever, at all. I have been use to that, I take it in stride and it has not been comfortable at times. I have also had VERY positive experiences, and enjoyed many years of practice,and I have kept myself sane through a lot of life through my yoga practices.

🧘🏾‍♀️ The benefits I have received from teaching and taking are great, and I would LOVE to see ALL PEOPLE benefit from this practice. I have taught MANY classes that are not at all diverse and I wonder why there isn’t more diversity in these spaces. So, my solution is to offer a space where people feel comfortable, safe, seen and not ignored. By offering this class I say “I SEE YOU”. I see your different shades of Brown skin and celebrate it, and know it represents beauty. I see different hair styles and textures and don’t want to touch it or “pet” you and ask what is it like to have such “soft, puffy, hair”. I see your shapes and sizes and don’t want to ask or say “you are so strong, thick, muscular, phat, etc. I want students to feel and hear “you belong here, you deserve this”. I want them to sit, relax, breath and practice without having to represent or answer questions about every other minority...because I know you are uniquely you. I want you to know my class space here can be reflective in all yoga spaces and this is how you should feel when you go into those spaces.

🧘🏾‍♀️ So, no, this offering is not racist, discriminatory, or an exclusionary class used to espouse and promote negativity or superiority. Quite contrary...it is a respite from the real hard world out there. It is an offering of healing. And how much more fun will we ALL have when we are in one class together safe, whole and truly feeling free!

🙏🏾 Join me please, this Sunday evening EST at 5pm. Virtually. Register here This class is for those who are Black, African American, and people who identify as the Black community. If you do not fit this demographic, please feel free DM me on other offerings I have for allies and people of every color and ability. I teach for all. 


Kitchen Window Talk | February 13, 2022


Thrive My Friends